“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein
All animals, including humans, actively adapt to their environments. While some of these adaptations are instinctive such as removing our hand when something is too hot, people and the environments they live in are highly complex, requiring emotional, social, and spiritual adaption skills to function at the highest levels.
Oftentimes, a failure to thrive is not the result of the person’s incapability, but rather a lack of skills for the environment(s) they encountered in the past or are currently encountering.
In some cases, adverse experiences change the structure of the brain. In other cases, thought processes or behaviors are impacted.
Through a comprehensive assessment process that is uniquely designed for each client, the Neuro Assessment Center provides information that helps to determine the root cause. Once the root cause is known, targeted therapies are designed using a state-of-the-art proprietary neuropsychology process that incorporates effective aspects from a wide variety of treatments.
Sometimes the solution is behavioral. Lack of nutrition, exercise, and sleep can manifest in ways that appear to be other problems. These are easy to fix and prevent unnecessary treatment. When the solution is not as simple, the assessment provides a faster way to address the root cause and reduce suffering.
What to expect if you are engaging in neuropsychological testing:
1. Online Intake Form: Start by completing the online intake form provided by Dr. Hai. This form will ask for your medical, psychiatric, and social history. Make sure to provide accurate and detailed information to help in the assessment process.
2. Review by Dr. Hai: After you’ve submitted the online intake form, Dr. Hai will review the information you’ve provided. This review is essential for understanding your background and needs.
3. Scheduling an Intake Interview: Following the intake form review, Dr. Hai will schedule an intake interview with you. While in-person meetings are preferred, you have the option to conduct the interview via video if it’s more convenient for you.
4. Customized Assessment: After the intake interview, Dr. Hai will use the information gathered to create a customized assessment tailored to your specific questions and concerns. This assessment is designed to provide valuable insights into your situation.
5. Testing Phase: The assessment could take 4-6 hours. If you feel this is too long for a single session, don’t worry; it can be spread over several days. The tests are non-invasive and include questionnaires, puzzles, and tasks related to attention and memory. If the testing is completed in one day, you’ll be given a short lunch break.
6. Scoring and Analysis: Once all testing is complete, Dr. Hai and the team will score the tests and conduct quality control. Additionally, a preliminary analysis of the results will be formulated.
7. Feedback Session: About two weeks after testing, a feedback session will be scheduled. This session can be conducted via video for your convenience. During the feedback session, Dr. Hai will explain the results to you and provide recommendations based on the assessment findings.
8. Report Generation: Approximately two weeks after the feedback session, a comprehensive report will be generated. This report will be sent to your referring healthcare provider with your consent, ensuring they are informed about your assessment and recommendations.
Please feel free to reach out to Dr. Hai or the staff if you have any questions or need further assistance throughout this process. Your active participation and openness in providing information are crucial for a thorough assessment and effective treatment planning.
Dr. Daniel Hai, founder of Neuro Assessment Center, is an experienced neuropsychologist and brain-behavior specialist who analyses assessments and produces reports for a diverse population and age range that cover a wide range of serious issues rooted in neurological disorders, psychiatric conditions, personal injury cases, learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, trauma, personality disorders, acculturation stress, head injury, and other ethical concerns.

Dr. Hai received professional experience, training, and education at Berkeley, Cal State University, Northridge, Neuropsychology Clinics, UCLA, Fielding, Ryokan College, School of Forensic Studies, and Cedars Sinai. His post-doctoral clinical neuropsychology degree was obtained from Fielding Graduate University.