Emotional Dysregulation

Many people struggle with deep feelings of severe emotional pain that is centered on feeling abandoned. Feeling lonely does not begin to describe the pain of this daily and nightly struggle. Living life with the fear of being abandoned means that you bend yourself backward to meet other people’s needs and forget your own.

Furthermore, studies indicate that emotional neglect alters brain structures[1], so just because you cannot see the result of the pain (like a bruise), does not mean it’s not very real. These inner wounds can hinder your ability to live the life you desire.

The wounds from emotional neglect often create conflict when more than one person you care about wants something from you and their requests conflict with one another. Therapy helps you learn how to do what is right for you without fear.

With therapy, your emotional pain can be eased. You will feel a new sense of freedom to take care of your own needs and to say no when someone wants you to do something that you do not want to do. At the Neuro Assessment Center, we do not underestimate the effects of trauma. We provide clients with assessments to differentiate the type of issue(s) to treat (emotional dysregulation, trauma, attachment pain, personality disorders, mood issues, etc.).

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Clients who experienced childhood traumas, ranging from any type of abuse or trauma during childhood (such as the death of a parent, incarceration of a parent, or a parent with an out of control substance abuse problem) may be diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.

The symptoms of BDP disrupt the ability to live your best life and may include feeling worthless, insecure, and attachment issues. This can lead to behaviors that cause pain and suffering including impulsiveness, taking too much risk, self-harm, hostile behaviors, and other self-destructive behaviors.

Treatment can significantly improve the quality of life. If left untreated, individuals with BPD often end up with substance abuse problems, incarcerated, or institutionalized. Thus, treatment is very important. After an assessment, clients are provided with a treatment plan (indicating which treatment modality is most useful based on brain region analysis), graphs indicating which emotions they struggle with, referrals, support group information, and a prescription for a service animal, if needed.

Please click here for more information on assessments, treatment, and other resources.

Related Conditions: Attachment Issues & Trauma


[1] Mackes, N. K., Golm, D., Sarkar, S., Kumsta, R., Rutter, M., Fairchild, G., … & Sonuga-Barke, E. J. (2020). Early childhood deprivation is associated with alterations in adult brain structure despite subsequent environmental enrichment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(1), 641-649.